Autumn is my favourite season of the year and it has pretty much become a blog tradition to do an autumn-themed tag. Earlier posts include:

This year I decided on the Finally Fall book tag, which also gives me a chance to talk about some of the books, I’ve read in 2022.
1. In fall, the air is crisp and clear: name a book with a vivid setting

Still Life by Sarah Winman is a wonderful feel-good novel with quirky characters. Not much happens, it’s all about the characters and their relationships. Besides from being the best found family story, I’ve come across in a while, it also has a lovely Italian setting, which gave me a strong urge to book a one-way ticket to Florence. The novel is inspired by A Room with a View, which – as it happens – also made me want to go to Florence.
2. Nature is beautiful… but also dying: name a book that is beautifully written, but also deals with a heavy topic like loss or grief

The narrative of Ghost Forest is centred around the death of the protagonist’s father. We hear about the illness leading up to his death and the grief afterwards, which is complicated by the protagonist’s struggle, dealing with the criticism and lack of acceptance from the dying parent. With its short vignettes and simple, beautiful prose, Ghost Forest is a great read.
3. Fall is back to school season: share a non-fiction book that taught you something new

I’ve been lucky with my nonfiction picks recently. The Idiot Brain is a fun and readable book about the mysteries of the brain. Mass market neuroscience books can be a bit hit-or-miss, but this one got the balance between education and entertainment just right. It never fails to amaze me, how our complex – and sometimes stupid – brains are working.
4. In order to keep warm, it’s good to spend some time with the people we love: name a fictional family/household/friend-group that you’d like to be a part of

When I grow old, I would like to be part of the Thursday Murder Club. Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron always make me laugh and it also seems there is plenty of adventure to be had when you stick to this fun and endearing quartet. I read the first two books in the series last year and hope to get to The Bullet That Missed later this year.
5. The colorful leaves are piling up on the ground: show us a pile of fall-colored spines

6. Fall is the perfect time for some storytelling by the fireside: share a book wherein somebody is telling a story

Sorrow and Bliss doesn’t include a traditional frame narrative, but it is told by the protagonist, Martha, via her notebook. The story has mental health issues as the central theme and we hear how not just Martha, but also her surroundings are deeply affected. Opposite most people, I didn’t love this book, but found it just ok.
7. The nights are getting darker: share a dark, creepy read

I am not sure, I’ll ever pick up Dracula, but I did enjoy Carmilla, which is a vampire story predating Dracula with some 26 years. My vampire “knowledge” primarily comes from shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but it seems that the characteristics and tropes, which were established in classics like Carmilla are still used today in relatively unchanged form.
8. The days are getting colder: name a short, heartwarming read that could warm up somebody’s cold and rainy day

I normally lean towards dark and depressing, rather than heartwarming, but this year I’ve read a few in the latter category. Rotten to the Core is part of the Lady Hardcastle series, one of my favourites within cosy crime. It is rather silly, but definitely heartwarming and perfect for a cold, rainy day.
9. Fall returns every year: name an old favorite that you’d like to return to soon.

I haven’t read Pride and Prejudice since my teenage years and the story has for me become identical with the BBC television adaptation, which I love. Whilst looking forward to rereading, I worry it might be a disappointment.
10. Fall is the perfect time for cozy reading nights: share your favorite cozy reading “accessories”

Most of my reading is done, whilst I am out and about, listening to audiobooks. So the realistic answer to this question is: headphones. I own several pairs, but I mostly use my sports headphones, which are lightweight and can’t fall off during gym training or running.
That was the Finally Fall book tag! Feel free to join in, I would love to read your answers.
I enjoyed reading Carmella as well.
I thought it would be a good idea to start with the vampire that preceded Dracula.
That is what I thought. Also, Carmilla is a lot shorter than Dracula, so it felt less risky in case I didn’t get on with vampires. 🙂
I loved Still Life too and I see you have Tin Man in your fall display. The only one of hers I haven’t read.
I also loved Tin Man, which was different and less of a feel-good story than Still Life. Also Tin Man is novella length, which perhaps made it less impactful. With Still Life, I really felt I got to know all the characters well.
I want to be part of The Thursday Murder Gang as well, they’re such a fun group.Hope you get to it soon and that you enjoy it!
Yes, they would be fun to be around, wouldn’t they! I might pick it up, when I get my next audiobook credit. 🙂
That was a fun read, and it was good to see Still Life included as we’ve had a Virtual Chat about that one. I’ll see if I can get my act together to answer these questions myself..
Exactly, very timely. Please join in, if you find the time, I would love to read your answers.
I’ll see what I can do. Life seems cluttered at the moment.
and rather messy…
We are all birds of Uganda was surprisingly good and revealed part of the country’s history that I hadn’t known
Same! I felt bad knowing nothing about that part of the history. I think (at least when I went to school) that there was a strong bias towards European history.
This is a great tag!
Feel free to join in!
Carmilla sounds so intriguing! I’m currently working my way through Dracula but I can’t say that it’ll be a masterpiece for now hahah Great post! 😀
Aha, I am still not sure, I will pick up Dracula, but if you write a review, I will definitely check it out! Thanks!
You had some interesting answers here. I also love the characters in The Thursday Murder Club series. I have that 3rd book in the series and will probably read it in December.
I have been surprised at how much I like the Lady Hardcastle series also. I thought it would be too cozy for me, but it is perfect for my mood right now. I have read three of the books and have several on my kindle.
Yeah, I am thinking December as well for the 3rd instalment. Lady Hardcastle took me by surprise as well, but it is just great entertainment for times, where you are the mood for some light entertainment.
Oh nice post! Gives me a cozy fall feeling. I’m curious to read the Sarah Winman novel you read … Still Life. It sounds like you liked it quite a bit even though not a lot happens. I have read a couple of her books … and she seems a pretty creative writer. I actually met her once too … at a writer’s festival here. Is it a WWII Italian story? I love Florence too! Thx for the reading list. & Happy weekend.
Thanks! I like to do an Autumn tag, it’s a nice way of embracing the season. Still Life is something you should pick up, when you have had enough of all the depressing stories. I’ve only read one other book by the author (Tin Man) which was quite different. Still Life begins during WWII in Italy, but most of the storyline takes place after the war is over.
So happy to see Ghost Forest made it into your list 🙂 I have yet to jump onto the Thursday Murder Club wagon! Have read great things about it! Thank you for sharing such a great list with us, stargazer.
Yes, Ghost Forest was a great recommendation! The Thursday Murder Club is perfect, when you need a fun, lighthearted read. I tend to read these books, when traveling. The humour is very British, but I think you might enjoy the series.