Novellas in November: My Year in Novellas

As discussed in Why Do I Like Novellas, I enjoy reading short books. Which is why I participate in Novellas in November for the second time. The event is hosted by Cathy and Rebecca.

Looking back at 2023, I’ve read quite a few short novels. Using the guideline of <200 pages, only eight of them qualify as novellas, though.

Julie Otsuka’s The Swimmers was one of my first reads this year. Despite its short length, it packs a punch. Otsuka’s description of a group of swimmers is spot on and I enjoyed the humorous descriptions and the observational skills of the author. The novella, which deals with serious topics such as dementia and coping with a life-changing crisis, draws on Otsuka’s personal experiences.

Having grown up in the Nordics, reading about the Moomins brings back nostalgic childhood memories. Moominland Midwinter is an unusually introspective children’s story filled with wonder and wisdom. Whilst being fun and entertaining, it also touches upon serious topics such as loneliness and survival.

Set in early 1980s Poland against the violent decline of communism, Swimming in the Dark is a coming of age story and a love story between two young men, who choose to cope with the political reality in very different ways. For some reason I didn’t love it as much as everyone else, but reading about the situation in 1980s Poland was interesting and educational.

2023 has been a busy year and I’ve periodically craved some light entertainment. At some point, I binge read four books about one of the reading communities favourite robots, Murderbot. All Systems Red introduces Murderbot. The plot isn’t particularly interesting, but the character is fun and strangely relatable. I thoroughly enjoyed the second and third instalment in the series, which offer character development and more interesting plot lines. After the fourth instalment, I’d had enough of Murderbot, at least for now. But it was fun while it lasted.

My final novella was The Woman in Black, which I wrote about last week.

What will I read in November? My TBR includes several novellas to choose from. I guess you just have to wait and see… πŸ™‚

Do you like, novellas? And will you join me participating in Novellas in November?


    • Moominland Midwinter and The Swimmers are probably my favourite novellas from this post. I continued to read more novellas in November, but – unsurprisingly πŸ™„ – didn’t manage to review them. I can reveal though, Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a new favourite!

    • Haha, the infamous Woman in Black… We won’t forget her in a hurry. πŸ˜‚

    • Glad you liked The Swimmers as well, I feel it went a bit below the radar and needs some more hype. I hope you manage to find a copy of Swimming in the Dark. If you like audiobooks, I can recommend that. Very good narrator!

    • Thanks for hosting! I continued to read 3 novellas in November, but unfortunately didn’t manage to post reviews. Loved Breakfast at Tiffany’s, had mixed feelings on Passing and quite enjoyed The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.

    • When well done, novellas are so impressive. I love the art of telling a great and cohesive story – without unnecessary fillers – in a relatively low number of pages.

  1. I really enjoy novellas! But I am especially enjoying them right now because a lot of longer books have just felt overwhelming to me recently. Also, I read Moominland Midwinter this year for the first time. πŸ™‚

    • There are many reasons, why I like novellas. Struggling to make it through longer books is certainly one of them. When life is busy, longer books will be spread over such a long time span, so I will start to forget names of characters and what happened in the beginning. Much better with novellas! πŸ™‚ I hope you enjoyed Moominland Midwinter!

  2. I do love sneaking in a couple of novellas whenever I can! They’re so much fun to get through, so fast, straight to the point, just what you need, sometimes. I’m glad you had your fair share of fun with Murderbot though!

    • Exactly – quick and straight to the point! You gotta love Murderbot, but 4 in a row might be overdoing it πŸ˜€

  3. I like novellas and short books — but I’m not participating this month. I liked The Swimmers. It felt like two books in one. I’ve heard about these murderbot books! People are addicted.

    • Agree about the Swimmers. Apparently, it was originally 2-3 short stories, which were combined to a novella. Unfortunately, that shows. Still, I loved the book. Haha, Murderbot is wonderful!

    • I am taking a break from Murderbot at the moment, but might pick up the remaining books later. I wonder how a full length novel works.

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