Sunday Post

Arghh! January is gone already. Where did it go? And how can you be busy all month and still not achieve much?! (No, please don’t answer that).

One thing I certainly haven’t achieved is writing. I haven’t written a single post in January. Non. Zero. Zilch. Not a sausage. Luckily, I wrote quite a few posts during my extended Christmas break. But even I can foresee that blogging without actually writing any posts isn’t sustainable in the long run.

In the past I’ve often relied on WWW Wednesday, when needing a quick post to keep my blog going. I’ve also found it a nice way to look back at the week or the month. However, since it suits me best to post in weekends, The Sunday Post seems a better fit. It’s hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer and quite similar to WWW Wednesday, but more free format. That suits me fine.


Most of January I have been too unfocused for proper reading. When this happens, I often listen to old audiobook favourites. That always works. In January I’ve also attempted some short children’s books. Not a success.

The Magician’s Nephew, which is a prequel to the Narnia series, was a disappointment. It tells the story of how Narnia began. If you are an evolutionist, the creation story of Narnia may grate on you, but what is worse, it wasn’t particularly interesting. In my childhood I read – and loved – some of the later Narnia books, but after the disappointment with The Magician’s Nephew I am not sure I am going to reread. It may disillusion me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

A Monster Calls wasn’t quite what I expected either. It’s about a boy trying to come to terms with his mother dying of cancer. Goodreads reviewers have been competing on, who needed the most Kleenex whilst reading, but to be honest it didn’t really get to me, emotionally. Feel free to call me cynical. You might be right. ๐Ÿคจ Of course, I am not in the target age group for this story, which may be part of the reason.

I know both of the above books are excessively popular. What can I say, I am the odd one out.

P. D. James is one of my favourite crime writers and I’ve made a habit of picking up the Dagliesh audiobooks, whenever they are on sale. In January, I made it through the first two, Cover Her Face and A Mind to Murder. They can’t compete with some of the later books in the series, but I still enjoyed them.

And then it happened! I started on my first Russian classic, Crime and Punishment. So far I am really enjoying it, but I am reading it little by little, so it may be a while before I am through.

On the Blog

Last week I posted my thoughts on Daphne du Maurier’s classic, The Birds, which inspired Hitchkock’s film. I found the themes relevant and relatable, despite of the story being almost 70 years old. Next week, I will post a review of a quite unusual book, which happened to be exactly my kind of read! I’ve mentioned it before on my blog, but you will have to wait and see which one it is.

Off the Blog

Last Sunday we had snow in London. That made me so happy! It disappeared almost instantly, but it was so nice while it lasted.

Friday after work, I watched Sense and Sensibility for the second (or was it the third?) time. To me this is the film-equivalent of comfort reading. A lovely story where the key relationship is between the two very different sisters rather than between the sisters and their suitors.

My intentions of getting organised on Goodreads are off to a miserable start! I haven’t registered any of the books I’ve read or acquired in 2021. Is this the time, where I acknowledge, that me getting organised just ain’t going to happen? Sigh. I will give it a few months before giving up.

Highlight of the week: I rotated my desk, so I no longer face the window whilst working but get the light in from the side. Yes, lockdown life in London really is one endless stream of amusement. ๐Ÿ˜‰

How was your week?


  1. Wish you well with getting organised on Goodreads. Have tried many times but find it monstrously confusing and complex. Is it worth all the effort required – and for what? I’d rather spend the time with putting writing and thoughts into my own blog. Will watch your progress with interest.

    • Thanks. I guess it’s a good question, whether it’s worth the effort. I thought it would enable me to do some amazing statistics posts when the year is over ๐Ÿ˜‰ and it might also be useful if I participate in memes and need to find a book with a 10 word title or a novel which takes place in Oman. I tell myself, I just need to get into the habit of using Goodreads and then it won’t feel like an effort anymore. But let’s see… Thanks for stopping by!

    • I am glad to hear that Nicki! So perhaps The Magicianโ€™s Nephew really is an outlier, and it’s safe for me to reread some of the later books after all! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Thanks so much Jonetta! ๐Ÿ˜Š Let’s hope February will be better, I am sure it will. Yes, that day with snow was so wonderful, it rarely snows here in London!

  2. I’m so impressed that even though you were struggling with reading you managed to pick up and really get into Crime and Punishment!! Give yourself some credit, that’s amazing. My writing has gone completely downhill over the last year or so, but I keep telling myself as long as I keep at it in some form…hope the next month is better for you too!

    • Thanks so much! I was highly motivated to get started on Crime and Punishment; I have been wanting to read it for such a long time. Hope you are doing alright! I guess, it goes up and down with the writing for all of us, but I always tell myself it’s just a hobby and nobody will blame me if my posting frequency goes down in periods.

        • Exactly, there is enough pressure from other spheres of life as it is – blogging is meant to be fun! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. The opening line sums up my January. I haven’t read one single book from the series Chronicles of Narnia. And I know what it must feel to be the odd one out when everyone loves something

    • Haha, I guess many of us found it surprising that January was over, I’ve seen quite a lot of bloggers saying the same. If you decide to try the Narnia books, don’t start with The Magician’s Nephew! ๐Ÿ˜† The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe might be a better bet.

  4. It’s funny how audiobooks work for some, but not for others. I’ve really given it a try this month, but I find I’m not really listening, and lose the thread. As a child, I was a huge Narnia fan, but I remember disliking The Magician’s Nephew. I’m not going t revisit any of them, however. I want to keep my positive memories intact.

    • Very true, it seems to be either / or, nothing in between. Have you tried to listen while you do housework or grocery shopping? I find it helps to be occupied. If I just sit and listen, there is a chance my mind will start to wander. Aha, so you didn’t like The Magician’s Nephew either. I am kind of glad, I’m not the only one. Exactly, I don’t want to ruin my positive memories either, but I am curious though, whether I would still like the other books.

      • I remember not enjoying The Horse and His Boy and The Silver Chair. On reflection, for me, The Lion etc. was definitely the best. A good tip about when Audio books might work best though.

  5. Hello Stargazer. How are you getting on with Crime and Punishment? That is the only Dostoyevsky book I was able to read twice. I find him difficult.

    • I am really enjoying it so far, but since I’m only 25% – 30% through, I will wait with saying anything definite. I guess, if you read it twice, you must have liked it? I look forward to discuss with you once I have finished it! ๐Ÿ˜Š

        • So I guess it was a good place to start for me. If I had started with something less accessible, it might have been the end of my venture into Russian literature!

          • I wrote a reply which seems to have disappeared so I hope you don’t get this twice! Tolstoy is easier I think, particularly Anna Karenina, and there’s also Turgenev – lovely stories and mush shorter books.

          • Thanks for these recommendations! I watched an Anna Karenina television adaptation and wasn’t completely bowled over. But I might try the novel at some point. I am not at all familiar with Turgenev, but lovely stories and much shorter books sound like a strong selling point! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. It does sound like a very busy month! Hope the changes your making work out. I definitely think doing the Sunday Post is great if youโ€™re only posting on the weekend. Hope this week is productive ๐Ÿ˜Š

    • It certainly was busy, but I guess it distracted me from the whole lockdown situation. Yes, I think the Sunday Post is a great fit, don’t know why it didn’t occur to me earlier to start doing it. Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. So glad Russian literature came to the rescue, lol!
    I was not really impressed by Cover Her Face, but I know the series is getting better, so I will persevere. I hope February sends you better days ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Haha, I know! Why start on a Russian heavyweight when I can barely concentrate on children’s literature? But I must admit, I am enjoying it so far! In the Dagliesh series, I read the later books (in random order) before I got to the earlier books. You don’t have to read them in order, perhaps try one in the middle of the series or so? Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. January? January and December have vanished off the radar for me too. I’m just emerging – blinking and rubbing my eyes – feeling like I’ve been underground for months. And funnily enough, I’ve been listening to a dramatised version of the Chronicles of Narnia. Perfect distraction for a tough time. I enjoyed The Magician’s Nephew!

    Loving the idea of a Sunday Post, Stargazer! Hope that new perspective from your desk gives you a whole new outlook on life!

    • Sandra, lovely to see you! I can imagine you emerging after two months underground. I hope it feels ok. ๐Ÿค— Exactly!! Children’s stories are normally the perfect distraction and I am glad it worked for you. I should probably have tried one of the other Narnia books instead, but I’d never read The Magician’s Nephew before and thought it might be fun. Back in December I listened to one of the dramatised Winnie The Pooh books, with Stephen Fry, Judi Dench and others. That was perfect!

      • That Winnie-the-Pooh dramatisation sounds perfect. I Wonder if it’s available on Audible….

        It is! ๐Ÿ˜† A credit well spent! I’m happy ๐Ÿ˜Š

        • I hope you will enjoy it! I was surprised, it still made me laugh out loud! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  9. Sense and Sensibility is my very favorite Austen. And I love that movie! I should read The Birds – the movie freaked me out but I did watch it when I was like 6. Weird that I love birds now?

    And ugh, I hated The Magician’s Nephew.

    • I don’t think, I have a favourite Austen, but Sense and Sensibility is certainly up there with the best. And that movie!! Haha, I love birds as well, but not if they come straight towards me in a large flock! I thought The Birds was a great short story, but it was very different compared to the movie. Yes! Good to hear, I am not the only one, who didn’t get one with The Magician’s Nephew.

    • In my opinion people should just ignore the prequel. ๐Ÿ˜ The rest of the series is much better, or at least I thought so as a child. I didn’t know that about The Birds movie either. It was only when I started blogging, I learned about the story behind the movie. So you are not alone! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. I’ll be looking forward to reading your thoughts on Dostoyevsky! And good luck with your Goodreads organizing!

    • It might be a while, before I finish it, but I will definitely write a review. Ah thanks, to be honest, I am not too optimistic about Goodreads and me! ๐Ÿ˜†

  11. Is there an age group for A Monster’s Calls? I’m afraid to say that I’m a big fan of this novel and it left a deep impression in my heart.. even years after I read it I can really recall that feeling at the end of the novel of being so touched. I’d love to hear more about Crime and Punishment when you’ve read it… I know ‘of it’ but not really what it’s about or what makes it so difficult to read I’m afraid… Good luck with your Goodreads organising, it’s just a matter of getting used to, but if it’s really not your thing to keep track like this, you can always just use a spreadsheet or note them down in a journal too, whatever works for you!

    • Well, I guess A Monster Calls can be read by anyone, but I think it’s targeting the older kids or younger YA. Exactly!! Your reaction to this story seems to be the normal one, that is why I felt like an old cynic, when it didn’t affect me noticeably. I look forward to being able to tell you about Crime and Punishment, I think it will end up being a good one! Haha, I know, Goodreads is just a matter of habit. I just seem to struggle to get into that habit. It certainly doesn’t come naturally. But I will try my best!

  12. Hahah, I feel you on wanting to write but just not doing it ๐Ÿ˜€ God knows I keep telling myself I’ll be more serious about it, but that time just never comes…

    Also, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about Crime and Punishment! I’m reading a different Dostoevsky’s classic right now, and what can I say, he never fails me

    • Sometimes it’s just too difficult to find the time and energy. I need not to have too many things going through my head when writing, so when life is hectic I can’t focus. As mentioned, Crime and Punishment is my first Dostoevsky. If I end up liking it, I mean to look further into Russian literature. Which one are you reading?

      • Same, and also my job is related to writing, and that makes it even harder to write in my free time, as much as I would like to. I’m reading The Idiot now, it’s pretty good so far, though I should reserve my judgement until the end ๐Ÿ˜€

        • Oh really, I am not sure I would blog as a hobby, if my job involved a lot of writing. While I went to uni, I barely read any books for fun – I had enough books to be getting on with in my studies. I hope you will write a review of The Idiot, I am curious about that one as well!

          • Hahah, I know what you mean — you definitely can get tired even from a thing you love ๐Ÿ˜€ And yeah, I probably will when I finish!

  13. What a great chatty post, love it! I read Crime and Punishment last year and was quite surprised by it, very quick off the mark (don’t want to say to much because I don’t know where you’re up to) and completely agree with you about Sense and Sensibility and that particular version. I used to think Colonel Brandon was to old but now I’ve read it I think Alan Rickman is perfect!

    • Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€ I have been looking forward to read Crime and Punishment for a while. So far it’s living up to expectations. I would love to discuss, once I have worked my way through it. I have heard that most of the actors in that adaptation of Sense and Sensibility are too old compared what they are meant to be in the book, but to be honest it didn’t bother me. And I’ve always had a soft spot for Alan Rickman (even as Snape in Harry Potter! ๐Ÿ˜† )

  14. With Crime and Punishment being my all-time favourite novel, I can only hope that you’ll end up loving it as much as I did by the end of it! ๐Ÿ˜€ I am one who also loved A Monster Calls (also really enjoyed the movie adaptation too) hahah Sorry that it didn’t blow your mind there. Hope this month will prove to be better in terms of accomplishing any goals you set yourself! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • All-time favourite – wow! I hope it will become one of my favourites as well! I don’t know what is wrong with me! ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜† Perhaps, I need to reread A Monster Calls, just to see if I missed something the first time around. After all it was a short one. Or perhaps, I just have to accept being the odd one out! ๐Ÿ˜ Thanks so much Lashaan, I too hope I will do better in February – I will certainly do my best!

  15. I loved all the Narnia books as a child and read and re-read them till I knew most of them off by heart. But a few years ago I made the mistake of trying to revisit them – ugh! The Lion, The Witch still worked for me – just – but the next couple I tried were so preachy and dated and, quite frankly, dull, that I gave up and decided to leave my remaining memories intact. A pity, since the Audible series has such great narrators. Ah, well! But I do love that film version of S&S! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Aha, so now you’ve kind of confirmed, that I should leave the rest alone and be able to hold on to my fond childhood memories. It’s strange how some books (like Winnie The Pooh which is targeted very young children) seem to bring joy even when reading today, whereas others more or less loose their magic over time.

    • It did, didn’t it! Thanks so much, my reading of Crime and Punishment progresses slowly but surely!

  16. I loved The Monster Calls! While it didn’t necessarily make me cry, I loved how hauntingly beautiful the writing and the premise was, and the added element of grief made for a good reading experience. The Magician’s Nephew wasn’t one of my favourites either ๐Ÿ˜‚ I have found that blogging without writing isn’t too bad really, my blog has been running on scheduled posts for a good while๐Ÿ˜‚
    Amazing post!!

    • I know, I am clearly in the minority, when it comes to A Monster Calls! Perhaps, I ought to give it another try… On the other hand, there seems to be others who didn’t get on that well with The Magicianโ€™s Nephew, which is good to hear. Hahaha, yeah so far it’s going well with scheduled posts here as well, but sooner or later they will run out! ๐Ÿ˜† Thanks!

  17. Januaryโ€™s such a funny month, huh? For us in Australia, itโ€™s the lazy days of summer that keep me from reading as much as I want. And now we have lockdown and half our city is on fire ๐Ÿ˜ข Really enjoyed Crime and Punishment btw!

    • At the moment, I wouldn’t mind being in Australia enjoying the sunshine. Except of course for the whole city on fire thing… That sounds bad! I hope you are ok and not too affected by this. Glad to hear you enjoyed Crime and Punishment, I think it will end up being a good one for me as well!

  18. I really hope taking part in The Sunday Post will help keep your blog ticking along, Stargazer. I know what you mean about being hard to write and post during the week, and I find it a lovely way to reflect back on the week with a post on Sunday, even if that’s the only post I manage! ๐Ÿ˜Š

    • Thanks Jessica, I think The Sunday Post will be a great fit for my blog and it’s nice to do a chatty post from time to time, not at least on a lazy Sunday morning. I agree it’s a nice way of reflecting back on the week as well. So hopefully you will see more Sunday Posts from me in the future! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  19. January has been a busy month for me too and yes, I didn’t achieve much either! What a start to 2021 ๐Ÿ™ That said, at least you got started on something you like – Crime and Punishment! I dont know when am I gonna start on that LOL Great post, my friend!

    • Oh, I am sorry to hear that, Jee. Hopefully, February will be better for both of us! ๐Ÿ˜Š Crime and Punishment really seems like a project – the audiobook is more than 22 hours long. I will get there eventually… ๐Ÿ˜ And thanks!

  20. January wasnโ€™t my favorite either dear, Stargazer. We had several home repairs and appliance issue/repairs pop-up, and during the height of the pandemic, you just donโ€™t want strangers all over your house. Ugh. Cheers to finding your mojo again and thanks for the reminder that I really need to try PD James! Happy February! I was just lamenting how a week of itโ€™s gone already. โ™ฅ๏ธ

    • Oh no Jennifer, I am sorry to hear that. I always find home repairs annoying at the best of times, they always seem to take more time than expected and sometimes you need several iterations before it is done satisfactorily. But during a pandemic it is even worse, as you say, you don’t want strangers in and out of the house all the time. Hope everything has been fixed by now. And fingers crossed, February will be better! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  21. I loved this post! I’m in the process of trying to figure out the rhythm with my own book blog so I think I might try this out myself . As a fellow creator I can relate with falling off the rails – keep going! Love your content ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thanks, I am glad to hear that. Personally, I like to mix it up a bit. Not just for the readers, but also for my own amusement. You should definitely try a tag, when you find one which suits you. I think it’s a great way to connect with other bloggers as well.

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