Book Tag: All Creatures Great and Small

Did I mention, I once wanted to become a vet? One week of work experience, castrating piglets (goodness, the screaming) and cutting up cows cured me of this notion for good. But I’ve held on to my love of animals and when I saw this tag over at Random Specific Thoughts, I instantly decided to join in. Unlike her, I am not very good at drawing, so I’ve added some of my photos instead.

1. What is your favorite animal?
As a child, my answer would be horses. I was obsessed and couldn’t wait to get old enough to start horse riding. As an adult, I’ve come to appreciate most animals, except perhaps mosquitos (they in turn appreciate me no end). But if you really push me, I’d say my two favourites are:

Giant Panda

I much prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, but the giant panda is almost impossible to spot in the wild. This one I saw at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, which is definitely worth a visit. I dare you not to get the urge to run to the pandas and give them a big hug. They are adorable.


The sloth is quite easy to spot if you go the right places. This cutie is from Costa Rica and it was the very first sloth, I ever saw.

2. What got you interested in animals?
Well, I grew up with a lovely cat, but honestly I think it’s an innate quality.

3. Do you have a pet?
No. I live in an apartment in a big city and under normal circumstances I travel a lot and don’t spend much time at home. Also, I am the type of person, who can’t keep a cactus alive. πŸ™„πŸ˜†

4. What is your favourite nonfiction book about animals?
All Creatures Great and Small, of course. Although stretching the nonfiction category, this is just perfect for animal lovers; sweet, funny and nostalgic, highlighting how unpredictable and rewarding life with animals can be. I read it recently on recommendation from Nicki @ The Secret Library Book Blog.

5. What is your favourite fiction book about animals?
I’ve read tons of fiction about animals, especially as a child. But if I have to choose I’ll go with The Black Stallion books. I have been through that series *many* times.

6. Have you been a part of any animal conservation efforts?
No. My very modest contribution has been to go on safaris, which helps the locals to see the value of wildlife and make them support the animals instead of getting rid of all their natural habitats.

7. What is your top bucket list dream that you would do with animals?
I’ve already had so many amazing wildlife experiences. But of course there are still things left on the bucket list. Experiencing Antartica’s emperor penguins and leopard seals would be awesome. Given the price, the seasickness, the freezing temperatures and my diminishing urge to go on cruise ships after Covid, I am starting to think it may not happen. But let’s see. Mountain gorillas in Uganda / Rwanda are high on the list as well. Oh, and I still haven’t recovered from the disappointment of not seeing a tiger in India, so I may have to try again at some point.

Lots of big cats, but no tigers

8. Have you ever dressed up like an animal?
If I have, my subconsciousness has now happily suppressed it!

My added question (yes, you are allowed to add your own questions):

9. What is your favourite YouTube video with animals?
Who can resist the clip of the lion Christian getting reunited with his human friends? Also, I still can’t get over, that you could actually buy a lion in Harrods!

Do you love animals? Feel free to join in and please link back to the original creator Cari.


  1. Aw, that panda really is huggable! Never thought I’d be an animal person until I got first my rabbit and then my cat. Now I try to be nice even to insects (only not a big fan of spiders). Great post!

    • It really is huggable, isn’t it. 😊 I think it’s a great gift to grow up with some sort of pet and you learn a lot from it as well. Haha, I am not too fond of insects generally, but there are some very interesting species.

    • I am glad to hear that! πŸ˜€ I haven’t watched the television series yet, because I wanted to start with the books. But I am glad to hear you loved it and I’ll get to it eventually.

  2. Ha, great video! It’s my experience that animals are considerably easier to keep alive than houseplants of any description. Of course, the animals’ tendency to eat the plants doesn’t help…

    • That is good to know, if I should ever decide to get a pet. πŸ™‚ At least if it’s a cat or a dog they can “tell” if they are hungry, etc. Worse with a goldfish…

  3. I am in love with this post and I need to do it too!!

    I grew up loving the book series All Creatures Great and Small and I really think that, combined with Watership Down, got me so in love with animals. I need to think on that a little though.

    I am so jealous of all of your wildlife experiences! How absolutely amazing!

    • I am so glad you decided to do this post as well and I loved reading your answers. I wonder if we are attracted to books about animals because we like animals or whether it’s the books which trigger our love of animals? Well, I will ponder about this one for a while… πŸ˜‰ Yes, seeing animals in the wild is just amazing. I’ll never tire of that.

    • Thanks so much for the recommendation, it sounds right up my street! Octopuses are amazing creatures and I’ve heard of humans who have connected with them one way or another before. And they are so intelligent!

  4. About animals, I highly recommend books by Katherine Applegate, like The One and Only Ivan, The One and Only Bob. And also Home of the Brave. These are powerful books

    • Thanks so much for the recommendations. I am not familiar with any of these, but I will certainly look into them!

    • Haha, I’ve always prioritised travel and I love to see the wildlife! I am sure, if you really want to, you’ll get a chance to go on a safari. It really is a great experience. Oh! You walked with lions?! That sounds absolutely amazing! And slightly dangerous? 😬

  5. Oh my goodness, that’s a lot of traveling! I love giant pandas too, though I’ve never seen them before. I have however, seen a tiger in a zoo and while the cage kind of ruined the experience, it was an exceptional moment seeing a real tiger, he was so huge and majestic. All Creatures Great and Small was brilliant, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for doing the tag and for the kind mention! Loved your answers and photos! I couldn’t take a proper photo to save my life; either it ends up too dark or all blurryπŸ˜‚

    • I hope you get to see a giant panda in real life one day, they really are amazing. Apparently, they are one of the most appealing animals, that is why WWF use them for their logo. Tigers (and all the big cats) are majestic and beautiful and I haven’t given up hope seeing one in the wild. We completely agree on All Creatures Great and Small, it was so funny! I had great fun doing this tag, so I am glad to have found it on your blog. Oh and with photos, it’s just a matter of taking a lot. Statistically, some of them are bound to be good! πŸ˜‰

    • Haha, yes plants and me don’t get along either. My mother bought me some flowers made of wood, because she thought I couldn’t possibly kill them. I managed to break off one of the leaves, though. πŸ™„πŸ˜†

  6. Ahhhh! I love this post! Love learning more about my new-found book friend πŸ˜‰ And like you, I can’t keep a cactus alive too! LOL Aaaaannnnd I LOVE SLOTHS! They’re just too adorable! Looks like you’ve been to so many places. I’m so envious! Do you see yourself traveling again anytime soon after you get your vaccination?

    • It is always fun to read tag posts, because you learn a bit about the blogger. Hahaha, I don’t know why everyone says a cactus is such an easy plant to look after… In my house, they never survive for long. Sloths are so cute, very underrated animals! To be honest, I don’t have any travel plans. It seems everything is still a bit unpredictable, so I’m just going to wait and see what happens. But it would be lovely to be able to travel again! I bet you want to go back and see your family as well!

  7. I always love that video! I love this entire post! I hope you can’t buy lions in Harrod’s now, right? Eek. Off to google. I was an 80s child and I think we have a special love for the panda, especially here in the US, because that’s when the first two pandas were brought from China to live here. I still remember their names. Ming Ming and Tsing Tsing, and we were all obsessed. Great post, Stargazer!

    • It’s such a great video, isn’t it! Aww, thanks Jennifer. You might be able to buy a toy lion in Harrods, but nope, fortunately you can’t buy the real thing anymore (what were they thinking??!) I don’t know what it is about pandas, but they are impossible to resist. Lovely story about Ming Ming and Tsing Tsing! They must have made quite an impression, since you still remember them. 😊

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